OER Textbooks
Search by ISBN to find free textbook replacement or related materials to your current textbook. Two search options: CalState and Merlot
Open Massachusetts: A Public Higher Education Repository
A platform for sharing open educational resources created and adopted by faculty from Massachusetts Public Higher Education Institutions. Includes resources created and edited by HCC faculty.
Mason OER Metafinder
The OER Metafinder launches a real-time, simultaneous search across 21 different sources of open educational materials. It includes sites that containwhere valuable but often overlooked educational materials but not all items are "open" in the strictest interpretation so usage rights should be checked. Can be limited to "book".
OASIS allows users to search multiple sites simultaneously and includes links from over a hundred sources and hundreds of thousands of records. Search can be limited to textbook.
Open Stax College
Possibly the most widely adopted open textbook repository for higher education.
OER Commons Texbooks
OER Commons is a public digital library of records from numerous prodiders of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum.
BCcampus Open Education
BCcampus Open Education is home to a growing selection of open textbooks for a variety of subjects and specialties. Discover open textbooks that have been reviewed by faculty, meet our accessibility requirements, and/or include ancillary materials (quizzes, test banks, slides, videos, etc.).
Milne Open Textbooks
Provides an academic-friendly publishing model and infrastructure supporting SUNY faculty adoption, remixing, and creation of open educational resources (OER) and courses.
Open Textbook Library
These textbooks have proven quality and have been already used in classes at a huge number of universities and colleges. All textbooks are completely open with no strings attached.
Provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners and researchers. All the materials in MERLOT are reviewed for suitability for retention in the collection and many undergo the more extensive "peer review". Can limit search to Open Access Textbook under Material Type. ISBN search provides textbook alternatives.
Open Textbook Store
It calls itself a "Store," but they are not a publisher. Open TextBook Store provides freely and openly available math textbooks created by Washington CTC faculty.
Washington 45
The Washington 45 are "courses selected from within the general education categories... at a public community, technical, four-year college or university in Washington state that will be able to transfer and apply a maximum of 45 quarter credits toward general education requirement(s)
Pressbooks Directory
Search across many Pressbook networks containing thousands published books.
With LibreTexts, students, faculty, and outside experts work together to build freely available open education resources(OER) that supplant conventional paper-based textbooks.
Lumen Learning
Provides open educational resources (OER) and low-cost course materials that replace expensive textbooks.