Courses & Programs

Training Opportunities Program (TOP)

Students who receive Unemployment Benefits from the State of Massachusetts may be eligible for the Section 30/TOP program. This program may allow for you to extend your unemployment benefits by enrolling full-time in an approved academic or training program. 

Please review the steps below to find out how we can assist you in completing your Section 30/TOP application. (If you are a currently enrolled student, skip to step 3). 

  1. If you haven't yet, you will need to enroll as a student at HCC. You can apply here.

  2. Determine your course placement by taking the placement test or by submitting transcripts or test scores. The Admissions office can help you decide the best way to determine your course eligibility. 
  1. Once your course placement is complete, email Amy Woody at  to schedule an appointment to create your academic plan and complete your Section 30 application form. 
  1. Review this checklist BEFORE your meeting to ensure that you have all the necessary information and paperwork. 

Please note, we cannot help students complete their Unemployment Application, only the Section 30/TOP application completion for approved academic degree and certificate programs. We solely work with students enrolled at HCC. 
Helpful Links:

TOP Brochure

Training Opportunities Program Eligibility Requirements

TOP Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) website

DUA contact information: or (617) 626-5521